Rabu, 05 Maret 2014

Indonesian Food Hunter: Tahu Gejrot

Tahu Gejrot adalah hidangan khas Cirebon. Bahan dan cara membuatnya sangat sederhana yang tidak sederhana tuh ya rasanya yang pedas, asam, manis, bikin orang ketagihan. Gak perlu lagi nyari2 tukang tahu gejrot, bikin aja sendiri :)

This is it, our review about Tahu Gejrot. Watch it guys :D

The Ingredients & Recipe

Step 1

Siapkan semua bahan


prepare all ingredients

Step 2

1. Siapkan bahan yang dihaluskan dan bahan yang ditumbuk kasar
2. Masak air, gula merah, garam, bahan yang dihaluskan, asam. Masak sampai mendidih kira-kira 3 menit.
3. Setelah airnya masak, angkat dari api.


1. Prepare the ingredients are mashed and coarse crushed material
2. Cook water, sugar, salt, refined materials, acids. Boil about 3 minutes.
3. Once the water is cooked, remove from the heat.

Step 3

Siapkan potongan tahu dan taburi dengan bahan yang ditumbuk kasa.


Prepare pieces of tofu and sprinkle with crushed gauze material

Step 4

Tuang kuah tahu, dan rasakan nikmatnya.....gak percaya?buruan bikin...
Cocok untuk segala suasana


Pour the sauce out, and feel the joy ..... don't believe it? Let's make it
Suitable for any occasion

Indonesian Food Hunter 

Source: http://dapurmasak.com/resep/1845-tahu-gejrot

Introduction: Indonesian Food Hunter

Indonesian Food Hunter is the new reality show in youtube that show you review all about Indonesian Food with an uniqe way. So, we hope after you read and watch our review, you can try to visit our country and feel the amazing taste from the food that you can only found in Indonesia.

As you know, Indonesia is country which provides different food from many culture. We brave to bet you all the foreigner, you will never get the food taste like Indonesian Food in another country that you have visited before, trust me !!!

So, what do you think? Let's visit Indonesia and feel the great food taste :)


Our Mission

1. Introduce Indonesian to another country
2. Attract the foreigner to visit Indonesia and feel the good taste from Indonesian food
3. Make Indonesian food become famous in all over the world
4. Last but not least to fulfill our college subject project to get the good GPA


Indonesian Food Hunter was founded by 4 student from Jakarta State Polytechnic, Depok, Indonesia.
Here we are:

1. Dara O. Liberty as Primary Host
2. Aulia Rahman as Producer
3. Bismo S. Hadi as Manager
4. Dendy Sadhewo as Creative Director


Contact Us:

Like our fanspage: https://www.facebook.com/IFoodHunter
Follow us: https://twitter.com/IFoodHunter
Blogspot: http://ifoodhunter.blogspot.com
G+ : https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/107195221076069710065/


Please give us suggestions and criticism

Indonesian Food Hunter